Assessing the Demand for a New BBQ Franchise

Demand for a New BBQ Franchise
Photo by Nathalia Segato on

Every passing year appears to bring new cuisines to light in the United States, as well as to the Philippines. Whether a new ethnic cuisine becomes popular, or innovative chefs create fusion dishes that become mainstream, there is always something new happening in the world of food.

Despite all these changes, there is a reason certain cuisines are so popular. The demand for BBQ around the world has only increased in the past five to ten years, as more people become familiar with this wonderful way to enjoy meat, potatoes, vegetables, and other foods.

If you are interested in starting a small business and have a passion for food, you may be thinking about opening a BBQ restaurant. Whether you want to go out on your own or start a franchise, you may want to research the demand for such an establishment.

Below is an analysis of the present demand for barbecue food in the United States (which usually also applies to the demand in the Philippines).

Americans Love BBQ Food

A recent study from QSR Magazine showed that roughly 95 percent of Americans say they enjoy having barbecue food. Around a third of those people said they ate BBQ at least one time a week.

Such figures are bound to excite anyone who wants to venture into a barbecue franchise. While there is nothing certain with respect to opening a business, even a franchise, such high demand and popularity for BBQ shows that it is a relatively safe bet.

Other positive numbers from the same study show that around 40 percent of pork dishes in any restaurant have the word barbecue in them. Brisket, a hugely popular BBQ dish, is in roughly 12 percent of restaurants. In total, 22 percent of the beef dishes sold in American restaurants have barbecue connections.

There is a misunderstanding among some people that BBQ is only popular in a certain part of the United States, but this is not the case. BBQ is a beloved cuisine throughout the nation.

BBQ Franchise
Photo by Esther Lin on

More Than a Fast Food Experience

The reason barbecue franchises can have so much success is that they can enter the fast-food market while offering a product that feels so different from fast food. 

Given barbecue dishes are slow-cooked over a long period, most of the food is ready to go when the day’s shift begins at a BBQ restaurant. That means most people can get their food within minutes, even if there is a line, which is akin to the experience at a fast-food restaurant.

The difference is that fast food feels lesser in some ways. While you are enjoying a burger and fries, you are likely aware that if you went to a proper, sit-down restaurant, you would have a better version of the same meal. That is not the case at a barbecue establishment.

You are getting the very best that this cuisine has to offer, and it is beyond delicious. Even with a fast-food experience, whether you eat at the restaurant or take the food to go, you are going to enjoy a delicious meal that is hard to beat.

New BBQ Franchise
Photo by Scott Madoro on

Stable Menu of Loved Foods

The issue for many restaurant owners is that when they open up a new place, they may not be sure what food to serve. There are so many options in most cuisines, which can lead to some tough decisions.

Barbecue is easy in this respect. There are a few classic BBQ dishes that you would want to have at any restaurant, and those are the ones that you would serve at your place. Whether opening a new restaurant on your own, or you want to start a franchise, having a stable menu of loved dishes is a great place to start.

Now that you have stability with your menu, ordering supplies is a lot easier as well. The process of cooking that food and then keeping it warm for the customers is streamlined, as you are not making dramatic changes to your lineup of dishes every few months.

Popular Barbecue Franchises in the United States

Brand recognition is everything when it comes to having a successful restaurant. Even if you have the best idea, starting a business from scratch is an enormous challenge, as most people eat at places they know by name.

Some of the most popular BBQ franchises in the United States have hundreds of locations around the country. A few examples include Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, Famous Dave’s, and Famous Chaps Pit Beef.

Dickey’s has a total of 400 locations in 43 American states and has a 70-year history of excellence. Every single franchise pit-smokes their meats on location, which ensures a high-quality product for the customers.

Famous Dave’s is another name synonymous with barbecue food in the United States. The franchise is the brainchild of founder Dave Anderson, and the company offers a variety of barbecue main dishes at its establishments in Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and other American states.

Founded by Gus Glava in the 1980s, Chaps Pit Beef started as a single stand of food that would serve people at a nightclub. Now the restaurant is immensely popular in Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. The franchises have great sales figures, which indicates they may be ripe for further expansion.

Make Your Dreams Come True

Opening a small business is a dream for so many people in the United States, especially those who have an entrepreneurial spirit. 

If you are a great cook, passionate about serving others, and believe that you can handle the stress of running a business, then now is the best time to open a new restaurant.

The question you may be asking is what cuisine should be commanding your attention at present.

Barbecue is a staple in the United States, especially in the Midwest and Southern regions of the country. Our analysis above shows that the demand for BBQ franchises is high in those states, and in other parts of the USA as well.

Anyone who is serious about opening a restaurant should give barbecue a proper assessment, as such cuisine is easy to cook and serve. If the demand is high in your city, your new BBQ franchise could be a huge success.

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