Buko ni Magic Franchise


buko-ni-magic-logoDue to the scorching heat and humid temperature in the Philippines nowadays, it is a great idea to have Buko Ni Magic sprouting everywhere, especially in areas that have high pedestrian count like city centres, shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, churches, commercial and residential areas or even terminals and airports. Young coconut juice is said to have no caffeine, lower calorie count, less sodium and even contain more potassium than sport drinks and cheaper as well. So basically, it is a better and healthier choice compared to sport drinks that have added caffeine. If drunk ice cold, it could be super hydrating and refreshing for the body.

Buko ni Magic Franchise is available for interested entrepreneurs who want to have a successful business in the food related industry.


  1. Start on low capital.
  2. Transferrable, low rent costs.
  3. Requires only 1 or 2 staff.
  4. Easier to maintain, lower overhead costs.
  5. Faster expansion.
  6. Can capture a bigger target market.
  7. Easier to find location since it requires only small space.
  8. Easier to transfer if not profitable in initial location chosen.
  9. Ideal if you are offering limited products.
  10. Easier to manage and operate.


Inclusions of the Business Cart Package

Cost: Php180,000.00

  • 1 kilo green hard straw
  • 1 gallon syrup
  • 50 pcs. 12oz cups
  • 50 pcs. 16ozcups
  • 50 pcs. 32ozcups
  • 1 pc. egg shaker
  • 1 pc. Jigger (bilateral)
  • 500ml capacity pitcher
  • 350ml capacity pitcher
  • 2 litrescapacity pitcher
  • 1 serving tray
  • 2 cabinets small tray
  • 12 x 4  inches equipment tray
  • 1 white water bucket
  • 1 small styrofoam box for crushed ice
  • 1 big styrofoam box for ice
  • 2 kg. buko with coconut water
  • 500ml weighing scale
  • 2 sets of  uniforms
  • 1pc. green sunvisor
  • 1 commercial blender
  • 1 ice crusher
  • Funnel
  • ice shover
  • buko puncher
  • bottle clipper
  • accounting sheet
  • dish out case
  • 8 cubic feet freezer
  • cubicle (left, right, back) w/ side table
  • worth 2,500initial bottles-350ml,500ml,759ml
  • worth 2,500initial glasses-12oz, 16oz, 32oz


Contact Details

For more information on Buko ni Magic Franchise, contact them at the following details:

Website:  www.magicsiomaistation.com/buko/index.html

Email:  magicsiomaistation@yahoo.com, magicsiomaistation.ma@yahoo.com

Phone Nos.:  (02)393-4435

Mobile Nos.:  0999-997-0543, 0922-853-6513, 0917-579-4309

Address: #35 F. Legaspi St., Maybunga , Pasig City, Philippines