Simple Steps on How to Save Money Every Month


Everyone loves saving money because that means more money in your pocket. But in today’s economy, it is even more important to learn how to save money every month because you just don’t know what the future will hold. But saving money is easier said than done. It is a well-known fact that saving money can and will be beneficial for the long haul. However, a lot of people still find it very difficult to start saving.

There are many reasons why a person will need to save money. It varies from one person to the next. Some people will need to save because of an upcoming event such as the birth of a new child or a wedding. Others may need to gain a better grasps on their personal finances, so they aren’t living beyond their means. Then there are those who are seeking to save funds so that when they retire, they’re able to do more than stretch their retirement pensions.

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Here are some reasons that will reinforce your belief of why it is important to save:

  • Financial Independence

It is important that you understand that being rich and being financially independent are two different things. Being rich means you have accumulated wealth while being financially independent simply means having the ability to depend on your own sources of income, the ability to make your own financial decisions, and having savings that you can entirely depend on.

  • A Way to Get Out of Debt

You will forever be in debt if you keep using your credit cards in every ‘emergency’ situation that comes along. Savings ensures that you will not have to use credit cards in these situations. Saving should always come first in your budget list.

  • Ability to Pay Unforeseen Expenses

There are times when you might need to repair something, like your car, for example, or something might arise in your household that needs fixing. What will you do without savings? With savings, you will be able to face such expenses easily. Remember to always anticipate the worst case scenario in all walks of life by having some savings stashed away.

  • Emergencies

Emergencies are a part of life. Just like unforeseen expenses, you can’t entirely avoid it. Emergencies such as health complications and doctor bills, or severe weather conditions causing damage to your house or car. These require money. Make sure that you have an insurance savings plan for yourself with some savings that you can use during such situations.

  • A Good Life

With savings, you assure yourself and your family a good life. Debts, poor financial planning and the inability to fully cover your life expenses are the causes of stressful living and hand to mouth type of living.

No matter what your needs may be, there are things that can be done to help ensure that you can successfully save money. While it may mean making some sacrifices, believe me, it will pay out in the long run. But in most cases, having a better grasp on your financial situation will be a great help in giving you some peace of mind and at the same time, ensuring that you feel better and more in control of your life.

You must take into consideration the fact that what you earn does not determine what you will have in the future. Your saving strategies will define your future lifestyle. But saving will be difficult for people who don’t have a clear idea of how to build a plan for saving some of their earnings.

There are plenty of ways that you can do in order to save money. Here are some tips on saving money that might help you minimize your expenses and maximize your disposable income that you can use for savings.

1. Create a Spreadsheet

By creating a spreadsheet of your income and expenses, you will be able to closely monitor your funds. It is best if you itemized your income by date and the net amount to have a clear record. Your expenses should also be itemized by line items like housing, monthly, savings, loans, utilities and miscellaneous.

Be sure to balance the income column and the expense column at the end of the month. This will give you a clear view on the difference between the two. Identify overspending items and apply cuts as necessary. Do this monthly and it is best at the end of the month.

2. Groceries

Everyone has to buy groceries. Maybe you think that you’ve got a pretty good handle on what you spend, nevertheless, let’s talk about some strategies and ideas to save money on your food bill.

  • Use coupons on a regular basis, but do it strategically. Only use them to pay less for products that you would buy. Using a coupon for a product that’s not part of your regular grocery buying will not gain you even a little bit of savings. In fact, you have spent more!
  • Buy in bulk. Don’t fall victim to the lure of convenience. Remember, a bag of pre-cut products probably costs way more than the whole ones. Commit to taking a few extra minutes to do the prep work or portioning yourself, and pocket big savings.
  • When you go grocery shopping, plan ahead. Make a list of the things that you need to buy. People normally spend a lot of money on groceries when they go in unprepared. When you don’t have a list, then you will tend to buy things you don’t need.
  • Know where to find lower priced items.

3. Strategic Buying

It matters when you buy things. Certain things go on sale at certain times, and a savvy shopper can save big by knowing when to buy.

4. Dining Out

Most people dine out at least a couple of times a week, especially if you count fast food and on-the-go lunches. Restaurant meals can add up quickly, and most of us don’t know how much we’re spending because it’s not happening all at once. Avoid or cut back on dining out as much as possible. You’ll be able to save big if you do that.

5. Utilities

Replace your incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. You may be spending up front, but considering that LED bulbs use a quarter of the energy and last up to twenty times more, this will be a big savings on your electric bill over time. Also consider air drying some of your clothes if the season permits and run big appliances at night when rates are lower.

These are just some of the many ways on how to save money every month. The most important thing to do though is change your mindset. If you’re determined to do it and consistent on the simple changes you make in your spending habits, you can save more money than you can imagine. True that delayed gratification is painful but always remember that great things are worth the sacrifice.