Top 10 Best Construction Small Business Ideas for 2022

construction business ideas

Construction is the one industry that can be trusted to always require services. People are always building homes, hospitals, schools, hotels, resorts, commercial and office buildings as well as fast food outlets. Young and upcoming career people need to buy or build their own homes.

The architectural landscape also keeps coming up with new and more spectacular designs. Additionally, there are home renovations to factor in. There is therefore no shortage of needs in construction work. If you want to start a business in construction, you are definitely on the right path.

What Construction Business Entails

The myth that the industry is a man’s industry has long been dispelled. Anyone can invest in the construction industry. Moreover, construction is not just about buildings. It includes the following activities:

  • Real estate
  • Building roads and bridges
  • Repairs and alternative services
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
  • Security Installations
  • Demolitions
  • Excavations

Temporary Building Contractor

The industry also includes temporary structures such as those provided by Smart Space. In fact, this is an industry that is growing exponentially as it provides fast solutions to business owners and institutions.

They are popular because they are pocket-friendly, eco-friendly and take a lot less time to put up than permanent structures.

10 Small Businesses You Can Start in Construction

Here is a list of 10 Small Businesses anyone can start in the Construction industry in the year 2021:

1. Site Clearing

Construction work leaves a lot of debris behind once it is completed. There are some waste materials as well as unused materials before the job can be considered complete and ready for use. Many construction companies outsource this service to site clearing companies.

You do need any professional certificates or experience to start such a company. In addition, it does not require much to begin in terms of resources, office space or capital.

2. Selling Construction Materials

This involves sourcing for materials such as building blocks, cement, ceramic tiles, gravel, nails, wood and any other materials that are needed for construction. You could also learn to build bricks and incorporate those in your business. Additionally, consider importing or exporting construction materials.

3. Road Construction

This is a business that does not deal with private clients only. In fact, you can lend your expertise abroad as there are many developing countries seeking to improve their road networks. You could incorporate the building of roads as well as bridges. There is a lot of technical know-how needed in this venture so you may need to work with the experts.

4. Construction Broker

Also known as contract sub-contracting services, this business involves the recommendation of construction experts to people planning construction projects. You earn a commission for every successful deal made.

5. Roofing Services

Buildings must have roofs. A roofing service not only provides roofing for new structures but also for remodeling needs especially when roofs age and leak. This can therefore be a very rewarding venture.

Small Construction business

6. Interior Designing

Homes, institutions and offices often need interior design services to give some class, style, and a touch of the owners of the buildings. While you may have a natural flair for it, it helps to get a little extra training to hone your skills so that you can have an edge over the competition.

7. Utility Line Construction

You will work with communication companies to render services such as constructions of drainage facilities, streetlights and gas pipelines. Also included here is the installation of mast and telephone lines as well as electricity poles.

8. Aluminum Doors and Windows

Aluminum doors are windows are popular because they are durable and look good. If you do market research, you will realise that many homeowners and business persons favour these. You may require a few months of training for this in order to produce and sell your own, but you will be pleased with the end result.

9. Security Installations

Security is always a concern in construction. People need security installations in their homes, offices and business premises. You could start a venture where you provide and install security gadgets such as CCTV, electric fences, smoke detectors, intruder alarms and pet sensors. This is a very lucrative business because almost every facility or home requires at least two or three of the services you provide.

10. Cement Production

Cement is important in the production of building bricks. It is also for binding during construction. It is safe to say that cement is a must-have ingredient in construction. The following ingredients are used in the manufacture of cement:

  • Alumina
  • Limestone
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Silica

There are other ingredients that you will come across as you gain experience. Many vendors distribute cement but the production of it is still not done widely. There is untapped potential here.


The construction industry is one that always has a variety of services continuously. If not for ongoing construction work, then there is remodeling and expansions to take into account. Business in construction is therefore a sure bet.