How Arnel Pineda is Inspiring Filipinos the World Over

Arnel Pineda is Inspiring Filipinos the World Over
Photo by Marcelino Pascua Flickr courtesy of

Joining a band with a history as rich as Journey’s is a big deal, and when Arnel Pineda linked up with the hitmakers in 2007, the Philippines-born singer went from being a lead singer in a small local band in the Philippines to a star in the world over. 


One of the reasons Filipinos are proud of Pineda’s success is because his drive and motivation inspire them. It is well known to fans that Arnel’s mother encouraged him to sing throughout his childhood and that, when she passed away during his teen years, the family struggled.

Coming from an impoverished background (he had a period of around two years living on the streets without regular meals), Pineda’s dedication and commitment found him joining bands in Manila and, over time, becoming a legendary performer in the region. 

He was not an overnight success, but now he is a member of an iconic rock band and a global sensation. The rags to riches story is an inspiration for many and a reminder to Filipinos that challenging times pass, and the future may be totally different from the present. Filipinos proudly follow his career, delighted for the success he has found.

For Filipinos who work abroad, having a celebrity in the spotlight allows them to be in contact with their roots when they are away from their homeland, with some choosing to see Arnel and his Journey bandmates play live to feel a connection with The Philippines. 


For Filipinos who work abroad, sacrifices must be made. Being away from family can be difficult and friendships and relationships can be harder to maintain even in the digital world of Zoom and Skype when working in different time zones.

Working overseas means missing out on important events such as birthdays, weddings, and pivotal moments in their children’s lives. However, those working away are usually doing so to provide for their family back home in the Philippines, regularly transferring funds via international money transfer services such as Ria Money Transfer.

It is simple and convenient to send money to the Philippines with these methods and allows people working abroad to reach their own goals of supporting their loved ones. 


For ordinary people living normal lives, Arnel Pineda is a role model. He has turned his life around and is now a platinum-selling artist with Journey. Despite his star status, he is relatable – proof that with hard work and big dreams wonderful things can be achieved – which is why he is so admired by Filipinos all over the globe. 

Arnel Pineda is a reminder to us all that so long as we Don’t Stop Believin’, as the famous song goes, we can achieve. For the many Filipinos working abroad, his fifteen years as front man of Journey sends a message of hope and positivity, as well as providing a classic collection of rock hits that bring joy to the masses. No wonder he has gained status as an inspiration!

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