How to Make Glass Potato Chips



Potato chips are a fantastic snack.  Who doesn’t want to get a piece when they see a bag full of them.  They are already great as they are but you can do something more to make them better and cooler than what they are now.  You can make them look like glass!

Yes, they are edible of course and they also taste really good but they are way more cooler looking than what we are used to.  And yeah, you can even build a small business out of this.

So how do you make glass potato chips?

It’s actually similar to how you cook the regular potato chips.  The difference is in the preparation and process of creating them.  You’ll need a little patience though to create these creations but what masterpiece doesn’t need any patience and all will be worth it when you’ve successfully finished a bunch of them.


These are just your basic ingredients you can easily get from the market.


  • Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees F
  • 8 Potatoes
  • Salt
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 tablespoon potato starch
  • fresh herbs / rosemary (optional)
  • squeeze bottle

To continue with the preparation and cooking process, go here.

via instructables