7 Apps That Will Help You Boost Your Writing Anytime

writing apps

Students or working guys in any office these days, have to compose so many different assignments that eventually develop all kinds of learning skills. These include reading, listening, speaking, and writing, of course. You ought to write a great variety of academic papers when you study, and later on when you find a job – you won’t stop writing reports, emails, and endless other documents.

We have analyzed the best apps that can help you and found several awesome tools that will boost your writing skills anytime, no matter if you’re still studying or working in a high tech company. We’ve divided them into three major categories. These are:

● Fiction & nonfiction;
● Editing;
● Productivity tools.

They include several effective and resourceful applications. These are as follows:

Draft (nonfiction & fiction writing). This application can be used when you don’t type in Microsoft and Google Docs. It helps to focus on writing, counts the number of words typed per day, allows setting reminders, and even share your documents with other users. Thus, you can consult your teacher or other fellow-students.
LitLift (nonfiction & fiction writing). This program helps to organize your notes and divide them into categories. Thus, when you write an essay or book review, you can divide your writing into ideas, main events, and characters, main questions, and sub-questions, etc.
Grammarly (editing). If you make many typos and grammar mistakes or write awkward constructions, this tool will come in handy. It spots grammar and spelling mistakes and then, shows how to correct them. It can be used in your browser or Microsoft documents.
Hemingway Editor (editing). It’s another useful app, which helps to detect and improve grammar errors. It shows when you exceed the number of passive constructions, adverbs, adjectives, and so on. If you don’t exceed the norm, you make your texts attractive and readable. Besides, it offers to replace too complex words with simpler variants.
Readability Score (editing). This application helps to make the text more readable. It removes all unnecessary or too complex constructions. You will avoid wordiness and lengthy words.
Todoist (productivity). This application will be helpful for students who cannot manage their time properly. It allows you to create to-do lists. You can easily schedule your working day, week, or even month. You will know for sure when to rest, when to write, and when to do other tasks. Thus, you can set a reminder to begin your writing at 1 pm every day and continue it for 3 consecutive hours.
Marinara Timer (productivity). This is another resourceful tool, which helps to boost writing and productivity. Many writers don’t recommend writing too long without breaks. They advise making short breaks from time to time. This enhances productivity and doesn’t overload the brain. This application helps to secure such a schedule. You can set a timer for 30 or 60 minutes. After the circle ends, the app turns on an alarm to make a break for 10-15 minutes. Mind that this app also keeps track of all your schedules. You can check them if you access the history of your records. Thanks to this function, you can revise your progress and try to improve the speed of writing.
Trello (productivity). This application also helps to schedule your working hours more effectively. You can create to-do lists and keep a record of all the tasks, duties, and writing assignments you have. Thus, you will always know what to do next and when.

Try these great apps and improve your writing skills in different ways. Each category teaches something special, and you should use it to your advantage. They will surely help to sustain and improve your writing skills.  We recommend considering some other apps as well. The more you try, the better the results you’ll enjoy.