Several Reasons Why People Want To Become Entrepreneurs

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Not everyone dares to be an entrepreneur, as becoming one involves a lot of risk taking, true passion, hard-work and dedication among other things. What are the reasons behind people deciding to take the plunge?

  1. They don’t like the idea of following orders or reporting to someone superior to them, in short – want to be their own bosses.
  2. Runs in the family.
  3. Have to continue the legacy of a family business.
  4. The need to achieve something big in their younger years.
  5. Have many wonderful ideas that may turn into pots of gold.
  6. Have friends that want to try the concept of partnership.
  7. The need to live comfortably when they get gray and older.
  8. To have a fallback when day jobs fail them.
  9. To provide a more secured life to family.
  10. Discovered something new that could prove to be the next big thing.
  11. The business could provide jobs for fellowmen.
  12. Inspiration from the big wigs, the need to prove they can do it as well.
  13. Just so they feel great being an entrepreneur, and successful in it.
  14. A dream waiting to be realized.

A successful entrepreneur displays true passion in what he does; the motivation will always be the gauge of success in any venture he engages in. He believes in everything he does, a risk taker, knows how to evaluate the business’ worth in terms of effort, money and of course time. A hard-worker and highly disciplined, is also one of great attributes of an entrepreneur; they are focused in their goals and really strive hard to achieve them. Whenever they fail in a venture, they always have back up plans ready. They have a wide networking capability as it helps a lot picking up colleagues’ or friends’ brains.