Chiggy’s Franchise


chiggy's-logoJapanese food has also invaded the country. Why not? Their cuisine is just one of the world’s best. It has instilled its taste in just about every one of us. One kind of food that people just love is Okonomiyaki balls. For one, they are made out of vegetables. They are well suitable for people who watch what they eat. It’s healthy and just mouth watering. The pancake is not just limited to vegetables. They can also contain eggs, pork, flour, seafood and just about any other ingredient. The name “Okonomi” means “what you like” or “what you want” and “yaki” pertaining to “grilled” or “cooked”. It’s comparable to an omelette and it is usually commonly referred to as Japanese Pancake.

Chiggy’s Franchise has been the pioneer in serving authentic but affordable Japanese food. They are located just about in every main city in the country. Their branches are doing great and it is not surprising. It’s not everywhere that you find something that gives you your money’s worth without compromising the quality of the product.


This has piqued a lot of people’s curiosity. They are interested in the steps on how to manage their own Chiggy’s Franchise. Here are a few details about it.

There are two ways on how you can own your own franchise.

For the Cart Package, it costs P250,000. For the Outlet, it costs P200,000. It’s not as expensive as one may think.

It includes:

  • Use of Trademarks
  • Site Approval
  • Training for Franchisee and Staff
  • Procurement Program
  • Opening Assistance
  • Operations Manual on loan
  • Research and Development
  • Cart on Loan ( Cart Package )
  • 2 Hot Plates

Overall, the total capital requirement amounts to P3.5 Million.

The initial Term is for 5 years.

The royalty fee is 5% of gross sales

The required space is at least 60 square metres

Contact Details

With that, no one is going to stop you from acquiring your own Chiggy’s Franchise. Contact them now!



Phone Nos.: (082)295-6103

Mobile Nos.: 0922-818-1261, 0917-703-0714

Address: 213 Molave St. Poly Subd., Matina, Davao City, Philippines